Libertarianism, Litigation and Liberty

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Excerpt from the "Real Lincoln" - Thomas J. DiLorenzo

"This expansion of state and local government provided for tax-funded government schooling, influenced heavily by the federal government. Consequently, genrations of southerners (and Northerners) have been taught a poltically correct version of history (and of many other subjects) in the federalized, government-run schools. This is one reason why most Americans are completely unaware of the long, distinguished history of the right of secession in America. To this day, the government-run school system reiterates Lincoln's "spectacular lie" that secession is an act of treason. Thousands of school districts in dozens of states require students to recite a pledge of allegiance to the central government, "one nation, indivisible..." (Interestingly, the Pledge of Allegiance was written by the early-twentieth century writer Walter Bellamy, an avowed socialist and outspoken advocate of centralized government power.)"

"The biggest item on the agenda of the Republicans was government subsidies to the corporations that bankrolled the Republican Party. The Confederate Constitution outlawed such corporate welfare, but with the defeat of the Confederate armies there was no longer any opposition to it."

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