Libertarianism, Litigation and Liberty

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Primer - Discovering Freedom Now

Welcome to The following is a brief introduction to what we here at are all about.

Each and every day attorneys enter Courtrooms in an effort to secure their client’s rights. From these competing forces emerges a whole, sometimes integrated, sometimes not, that is the United States Law. Yet, many people, even those intrigued by everything political, have little to no interest in Courtroom developments. This blog holds their indifference to be, not only unwarranted, but also detrimental to freedom itself. Thus, seeks to illuminate both the intrigue and long term consequences of the most significant Constitutional conflicts as they develop.

Therefore, this blog invites you to explore whatever it is that may interest you -whether it is equality before the law, monetary policy, freedom to trade, or any of the other numerous social issues that are decided by the Courts – we here at seek to provide the necessary guidance and up to date information for any mind thirsty for knowledge to find its satisfaction.
To better assist in that process, the entries are categorized by whether the case is decided or pending, but for those seeking to find specific cases or areas of law, feel free to use the search function as key terms are used consistently through all related entries.

As pending cases develop, updates will be provided regularly in order to provide insight into both the essential Constitutional principles established and the finer nuances of the judicial process. The latter being a service that many Americans are in need of as all too often the supreme power of the judicial branch of government is forgotten, despite its heavily influential force. Our hope is to reassert the Court’s and, more importantly, the law’s prominent role in American social ordering. Hopefully, these efforts will inspire others to consider the fundamental principles of our society and Constitution, and, in turn, eventually bring them to a point where they, like us, begin the process of Discovering Freedom Now.

“The law no passion can disturb. Tis void of desire and fear, lust and anger. Tis mens sine affect, written reason, retaining some measure of the divine perfection. It does not enjoin that which pleases a weak, frail man, but, without any regard to persons, commands that which is good and punishes evil in all, whether rich or poor, high or low. Tis deaf, inexorable, inflexible. On the one hand it is inexorable to the cries and lamentations of the prisoners; on the other it is deaf, deaf as an adder, to the clamors of the popular.”

-President John Adams, Argument in Defense of the British Soldiers Involved in the Boston Massacre Trials, (December 4, 1770).

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