Libertarianism, Litigation and Liberty

Monday, October 5, 2009

Be a Light unto Yourself

That which is at rest is easy to grasp.
That which has not yet come about is easy to plan for.
That which is fragile is easily broken.
That which is minute is easily scattered.
Handle things before they arise.
Manage affairs before they are in a mess.

-Lao Tzu

Though I assured myself that this blog's energies would be dedicated to my thoughts on legal theory and juris prudence, since a world of darkness fast approaches, I feel myself obliged to offer light for any wanderer who may happen upon this place.

Materially speaking, the darkness will show itself as a dollar destroyed, a standard of living declined and a government's grip tightened. To protect one's self from this flood of financial ruin, one must build an ark of financial security. This ark should be made of metals free from government whim (THE GOLD STANDARD!) and ownership interests in companies offering goods and services which people truly value. Thus, liquidate dollars before the nations of the world do. Store value outside the U.S. via foreign investment, both in metals and fundamentally sound companies. And, most importantly, cultivate a steady and focused mind.

Though these measures may seem miniscule, in the end they may be the very acts which secure one's livelihood, perhaps even one's life, when tyranny's darkness falls upon us.

Marc Faber, Peter Schiff, Jim Rogers - Masters of wealth creation - Google them and Master the way.

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